Sunday, September 06, 2020

Gambling and other Myths

Many people ridicule casino gambling by saying, "I've got better things to do with my money".  Ironically, some of those will lose their assets through risky, and questionable venture capital schemes. Another cites the stock market as a glorified ponzi scheme, yet it has rebounded nicely since 2008 thanks to aggressive Federal Reserve policies. At one time owning a house was nearly a sure bet investment, but we all know what happened in the 2008 financial crisis, and the ensuing melt down in housing prices. All sorts of investment vehicles have been promoted over the years with varying degrees of success. 

It seems that markets reel from one bubble to the next, with each bubble usually exacerbated by leverage and debt. The famous economist John Galbraith in his book "A brief history of financial euphoria" readily describes the common features and circumstances that have given rise to some famous financial bubbles including the Tulip Mania of Holland back in the 17th Century. History it seems, has a bad habit of repeating itself. 

What then is the answer to creating and preserving wealth? It still comes down to a vocation that pays, common sense, diversification, and a bit of luck or good fortune in life. You also have to avoid the scammers and get rich quick schemes along the way. Greed and ignorance will generally get you in trouble, although there are many "legitimate" ways to lose money too, as already mentioned.

Don't fool yourself, investing is still gambling, although some bets are better and more informed than others. Sometimes a casino bet has much better odds than more "traditional" investments.  At least in a casino you can generally calculate the odds against you. There are more than a few companies that have had their stock prices drop to zero - a few of them have been Dow Index companies. Thus investing, speculating and gambling are all part of the same spectrum. Perhaps a successful professional poker player isn't really a gambler, but a seasoned investor. Things are not always what they appear to be based upon their labels. 

Good Luck and Good Investing.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What if Canada became the Fifty First State?

  • They could add a star sized maple leaf to Old Glory to create the new flag.
  • Canadian funny colored money would then have Monopoly status only.
  • The Prime minister could become Assistant Vice President (ceremonial status).
  • Americans could finally enjoy the "real" Niagara falls without crossing the border.
  • Benedict Arnold could finally be exonerated.
  • Canadians would have to stop bragging about the War of 1812.
  • Canadians saying "Eh" at the end of every sentence would slowly disappear?
  • Americans would learn how to win at hockey.
  • Canadians would have a real Military for once.
  • No more painful border crossings either way.
  • Everyone likes the sound of AmeriCanadians!
  • The Sasquatch could no longer escape across the border, and would soon be caught.
  • Alaskans would finally be connected to their fellow compatriots.
  • No more Queen of Canada (she's a nice lady, but there's been too many Royal shenanigans).
  • Americans would learn how to pronounce Saskatchewan.
  • Americans would have easy access to real beer like Moosehead
  • Canadians could lose their reputation for being polite.

  • Feel free to add your own outcome to the list :-).

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Holiday Hangover Remedies

Here's the Holiday Hangover therapy list back by popular demand for the 2017 season, and hopefully in time for New Year's Eve.

For those of you who feel their drinking has become a problem with far too many hangovers:
Here's a good article discussing "How to Sober Up: Climbing a slippery slope"

James Bond can drink martinis ad nauseam, and vanquish the villains without slurring a word. After a few drinks, I'm more likely to make an embarrassing faux pas, but both of us would appreciate advice on Hangovers.

There's probably no such thing as a hangover "cure", but there are some methods to help you fight the toxic effects created by a bout of drinking.


There's sporadic scientific evidence for the remedies suggested here, but please consult any appropriate health experts before adhering to these methods. I will stake claim to a suggestion listed here. If you have a hangover, then do some mild exercise after hydrating yourself. For me this works as well as anything, but I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere.

In the spirit of the season here is a list of hangover remedies for your holiday party survival:
  1. Drink lots of water before and after sleep (unless you are on medically prescribed fluid restriction). Sports drinks (not energy drinks) may
    be a good alternative as well since they contain sugars, and
    needed electrolytes.
  2. Take a shower or bath after a drinking bout.
  3. Ingest sweet foods that contain fructose (helps the body metabolize alcohol).
  4. Do some mild exercise, or take a brisk walk (stimulates the
    circulation etc).
  5. Vitamin B complex tablet (within recommended daily dose).
  6. Cysteine (within recommended dose) as it counteracts
    acetaldehyde - a by-product of alcohol metabolism.
  7. Vitamin C for its antioxidant effects.
  8. Be wary of headache pills as some (tylenol/acetaminophen) can
    increase the risk of liver damage in conjunction with alcohol,
    and some (ibuprofen, aspirin) can cause gastric irritation.
  9. PRAY.
Here are tips on preventing a hangover:
  1. Drink clear alcohol. Dark alcohol tends to contain substances called cogeners, and these types of alcohols are more likely to cause hangover symptoms. White wine, vodkas, and light rum are examples of clear alcohols. Red wine, dark rum, sherry, and brandy are high in cogeners. Beer is somewhere in between.
  2. Drink slowly, and have some food in your stomach. If you are a small person the same amount of alcohol will affect you more than it would someone larger.
  3. Try to drink in moderation. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that women have no more than one drink per day and men no more than two drinks per day. One drink is defined as a 12-ounce bottle of beer; a 4-ounce glass of wine; or a 1 1/2-ounce shot of liquor.
  4. Drink some water in between your alcohol containing drinks as that will decrease your alcohol consumption, and help prevent dehydration.
  5. Of course, hangovers can be prevented altogether if you avoid alcohol completely, but that's not for everyone either.
You can get more detailed information regarding all aspects of Hangovers at this Mayo Clinic site.

Some promising new work on Hangovers indicates that the juice of Asian Pears can prevent or decrease the severity of hangovers!

Friday, December 02, 2016

Life Graph

The North American path to so called success is challenged in a Postmodern world. We pursue abundance to achieve "happiness", but that can become an addiction to material gain no matter what the consequences. True happiness and awareness then seem to be ever elusive beneath external circumstances and temporary forms.

Abraham Maslow discusses Self-Actualization in his book Motivation and Personality, and that is really what maximizes your potential, not the blind pursuit of material wealth.  The 12 Characteristics of a Self-Actualized Person in the linked article make for a good read.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Valentine's Day Lowdown

Let's start with the city of Valentine, Nebraska. You might want to book a "Sweetheart Package" at the Rosebud Casino Hotel, or visit the Valentine National Wildlife Reserve located 25 miles south of Valentine on Highway 83 to see Beavers and Sandhill Cranes. "The 71,500 acre refuge was established in 1935 to create a sanctuary and breeding area for migratory birds and a variety of wildlife."

I'm not sure if the founding fathers of Valentine actually named their town after the Patron Saint, but we must give a nod to the man who actually inspired Valentine's Day. Apparently he was a Roman priest under the rule of Emperor Claudius II in the 2nd Century AD. He ignored the ruler's edict not to marry Christian couples, and ended up beheaded. Could that be the origin of the old saying "losing your head to love"?

Unfortunately Al Capone and his band of hoodlums gave a sinister taint of infamy to February 14th by orchestrating the 1929 St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago. He succeeded in ending "Bugs" Moran's control of the North Side, but the foul deed brought more unwanted attention from the Federal government that ultimately led to his demise.

Here's a nice idea for a unique gift instead of the usual chocolates, sweets, and flowers. For approximately $145 U.S. you can give your Valentine 2 acres of Brazilian Rain forest. This is sponsored by the World Land Trust, and they'll throw in a box of Green and Black's Fair trade chocolate to boot!

Don't forget your Valentine this year and remember...

"The only thing we never get enough of is love; and the only thing we never give enough of is love."
~ Henry Miller