Sunday, October 09, 2005

Coffee Cats

It's not much of a stretch to say that we are a coffee crazy society. Caffeine fuels the daily buzz of commerce, and you can't really be a tech geek without an espresso addiction. Have you ever seen a coffee withdrawal rage? It's truly a scary sight, often associated with bleeding from the nostrils and frothing at the mouth (non whipped), so buy your damn espresso drinks fast, and don't make others wait too long in the Starbucks line. If you do wait too long in line it's called getting Starbucked. There are more coffee varieties, blends, and brews made from the beloved beans than ever before along with innumerable cafes dotting the city landscapes. You can see three Starbucks cafes in the same city block and you have to wonder what the marketing strategy is, but who would argue with their success? Just check the history of their stock price, and annual revenues from across the world. Coffee drinking is truly a viral phenomenon, so of course there has to be a coffee out there that boggles the imagination in terms of origin and price.

There is one type of very rare, expensive coffee called Kopi Luwak that has some connoisseurs turning their heads. The next time you say that a cheap cup of java tastes like crap you probably won't be talking about Kopi Luwak, but actually that wouldn't be far from the truth. That's because Kopi Luwak is made from the digested, and excreted coffee beans deposited on the jungle floor by the Luwak, a small, "cat like", marsupial also known as the parodoxurus, or common palm civit resident in Indonesia. These animals climb the coffee trees, and eat only the ripest coffee cherries. In the process of digesting an outer shell the inner coffee bean remains intact, and apparently the enzymes in the civit's stomach add extra flavor to the bean through fermentation. The resulting coffee or "poopachino" purportedly has a heavy body, and a strong, musty (?something to do with anal gland secretions), caramel taste with a complex and unusual flavor. At prices of up to $300 U.S. per pound you probably won't see it on the shelves at your local grocery store any time soon, but a few commercial coffee shops are starting to take notice.

The Luwaks used to be considered a nuisance or pest in Indonesia, and that put their lives at risk, so perhaps coffee production has actually helped a species survive and thrive for once. It would seem that small treasures can be found in unusual places and under strange circumstances just like picking a few beans up off the jungle floor for a cup of java. There must be secret laboratories somewhere working feverishly to chemically duplicate the civit's natural fermentation process so that cheap, similar tasting, synthetic Luwak coffee can be brewed. Coming to a Starbucks near you!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Paris Hilton?

Alright. I have now made some forty odd posts on this barely born, blog trying to find its way. However, it is somewhat sad, comical, and ironic that an earlier, brief, silly post on Paris Hilton has generated the most comments for any one post on this Blog. I realize that how widely a post is read may not be reflected in the number of comments left, but so far the small sample here would indicate that controversy, fluff, and pop icons do create interest. I bow to the power of Paris, however I hope the majority of posts published here will stick to substance. Gotta leave the ego out of it.

Autumn and Hockey

In this part of the world the leaves are nearly off the trees, and there is a chill in the night air even after a pleasant fall day. Summer is becoming a distant memory, and students are busy trying to get their bearings after starting a new semester or grade. After a long hiatus and lock out based mainly on player/owner greed professional hockey is back in town. I thought the fans might show their frustration by sitting out a few games, but the first Oilers game was a sell out. On the other hand the presence of professional hockey in a smaller market such as Edmonton is a big economic boom for many businesses, and arguably important to the community in that sense. As for me, professional hockey is something I can do without, although I will continue to take my uncle to the odd game since hockey is steeped into his blood. My uncle played it, coached it, and lived through the glory days of hockey before sound bites, steroids, million dollar trades, and ridiculous ticket prices. Hockey is a great game, but you don't need to see the professional version of it to enjoy a great spectacle. There are great amateur games around, but even there the lure of future professional contracts has corrupted some of the action. There have been games where there are more fights between parents in the stands than players on the ice, coaches heaping abuse on their own or competing players, and referees attacked all in the name of competition. Heck, I think I'll stick to playing a little shinny in the alley with a few buddies!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Karaoke Krazy

Apparently there has been a recent upsurge in the sale of Karaoke machines across North America. It would seem that much of this is attributable to the ever popular American Idol television show, and that is likely true, but one can't overlook the availability of many new and cheap Karaoke machines of reasonable quality that make it easy to try your vocal skills. The new machines have better sound quality, and utilize a variety of media formats including graphic CDs, and DVDs that will display the song words on a built in monitor or television screen. Computers can be rigged up as Karaoke machines, and there are games such as Karaoke Revolution for PlayStation 2 that score a player based on their pitch, rhythm, and timing. So for those of us who only sing in the shower, and secretly believe they could perform well in public if given half a chance it may be time to give Karaoke a try. I tried it recently, and while belting out a particularly high note our cat looked at me wide eyed with ears back, and then shot out of the room in terror. Every ones a critic I guess. SUTS would like to hear about your adventures in Karaoke, and any tips for beginners would be great!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Anger Management II

"In the depth of winter I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
-Albert Camus

In keeping with the theme of the last post here are ten thoughts previously compiled by David A. Willson:

1. Accept that most things in the world are out of your control.
2. Accept that it is your choice to get angry about those things.
3. No one makes you angry.
4. Life is unfair. Waste no energy lamenting or trying to change that fact.
5. No one likes to be around an angry person. No one feels like helping an angry person.
6. So why be angry? Maybe you really don't want your problems solved. Maybe you just want to complain and wail and gnash your teeth.
7. Take stock of yourself. What do you want?
8. You should smile more. Your face won't break.
9. Anger is a weed; hate is the tree. -St. Augustine
10. Anger makes a rich man hated and a poor man scorned. -Thomas Fuller

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Pour a splash of Vodka, and a dash of Vermouth over ice in a chilled Martini glass, and drop a speared olive in. Find a nice reclining chair, and sit down. What were you worried about a moment ago? It doesn't matter now. Take a sip, close your eyes, take a deep breath, relax. You don't get fired every day, and for now you are free. Enjoy it.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Paris Hilton

She may be a perfectly nice young woman in private, but haven't we all had enough of this ongoing, superficial, bullshit, media exposure of this jaded, indulgent, not so little, rich girl?

Hangover Cure List?

"How many Irish does it take to change a light bulb?
Twenty One. One to hold the bulb and twenty to drink until the room spins."

You wake up in the morning irritable, and depressed with a headache, and dry, gritty eyes. It's another freaking hangover on the weekend, and a miserable way to start the day. You might call it another variant of the weekend warrior syndrome if you never drink during the week. You get up, and look in the mirror then say "Alright you miserable sot this time you're going to kill this malaise, so let's see what's out there in hangover cure land." A few hours later, and a little research gives you some hope for salvaging the day...

Well, there is probably no such thing as a hangover "cure", but there are a few things that can alleviate the toxic symptoms we endure after a bout of drinking.

First a disclaimer: Although there is sporadic scientific evidence for some of the remedies suggested here it would be prudent to consult with the appropriate health care experts before adhering to some of these methods.

I will stake claim to one of the suggestions listed here, and that would be a proscription for some mild exercise after you've hydrated yourself. For me this works as good, or better than anything else, and yet I haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere.

Here is the Hangover busting list:

  • Drink lots of water before and after sleep (unless you are on
    medically proscribed fluid restriction). Sports drinks may
    be a good alternative as well since they contain sugars, needed minerals, and electrolytes such as potassium.
  • Take a shower or bath.
  • Ingest sweet foods that contain fructose (helps the body
    metabolize alcohol).
  • Do some mild exercise, or take a brisk walk (stimulates the
    circulation etc).
  • Vitamin B complex tablet (within recommended daily dose).
  • Cysteine (within recommended dose) as it counteracts
    acetaldehyde a toxic by-product of alcohol metabolism.
  • Vitamin C for its antioxidant effects.
  • Be wary of headache pills as some (acetaminophen), can
    increase the risk of liver damage in conjunction with alcohol,
    and some (ibuprofen, aspirin) can cause gastric irritation.
  • PRAY.

  • Here are tips on preventing a hangover:

  • Drink clear alcohol. Dark alcohol tends to contain a substance called cogeners, and these types of alcohols are more likely to cause hangover symptoms. White wine, vodkas, and light rum are examples of clear alcohols. Red wine, dark rum, sherry, and brandy are high in cogeners. Beer is somewhere in between.
  • Drink slowly, and have some food in your stomach. If you are a small person the same amount of alcohol will affect you more than it would someone larger.
  • Try to drink in moderation. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that women have no more than one drink per day and men no more than two drinks per day. One drink is defined as a 12-ounce bottle of beer; a 4-ounce glass of wine; or a 1 1/2-ounce shot of liquor.
  • Drink some water in between your alcohol containing drinks as that will decrease your alcohol consumption, and help prevent dehydration
  • Of course, hangovers can be prevented altogether if you avoid alcohol completely, but that's not for everyone either.

  • If you are concerned about alcohol abuse here is a list of complications that can occur with excess drinking.

    Thursday, September 22, 2005

    Hybrid of computer and human generated prose

    Most of the words, grammar, and syntax in the following paragraph have been computer generated with a little human editing thrown in. This creates a kind of cyborg language that might stimulate many creative pathways in our writing endeavors whether they be fiction or non-fiction. It seems to demonstrate that communication can sometimes be effective even when conventional grammatical rules are not followed. There is a whole world of synthetic language out there, and with the advent of greater advances in artificial intelligence we are beginning to confront the implications of this. One day machine code might articulate our deepest emotions as the following paragraph hints at.


    Everything to know about Technological Impact on Everyday Lives. Sometimes I wonder if there is more to life than to struggle to be the best or to simply struggle to find oneself? Why am I talking about Technological Impact on Everyday Lives, you probably wonder?... Well, when the grass was still green, and the sky still blue I was totally into music. Lucky me, huh? In a nut-shell: But something wasn't right. I saw an image of the X-Files again and again . Which would be nothing special, but my eyes were opened to a new reality, and I began to hear the music again.

    If you would like to explore some of these ideas further one place to start would be the Blog-O-Matic site where you can obtain random, dynamically generated blog posts.

    Wednesday, September 21, 2005

    Quote for Today

    "Hatred is our only true enemy. Hatred has no other purpose but to destroy us. Never give it the opportunity to conquer you. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

    Sunday, September 18, 2005

    Lost in the nether reaches of Cyberspace publishing

    This blog still needs to find a unique voice. At this point none of the posts are really connected to each other, although they might interest readers as individual articles. As a relatively new blog the site traffic, and comment numbers are quite low. The advertisements on this blog are really out of proportion to the readership numbers at this point, and I question the decision to stay with advertising on this blog. Blogging as a commercial enterprise is not really the point for me, and it should be secondary to the integrity of posts, but if the advertisements mainly reflect the content of posts then I think that is a fair, symbiotic relationship that adds value, and interest for the reader. I am committed to publishing a blog that has value, and interest for readers, and anticipate that the present seed blog will morph or mutate into a publication that is responsive to readers opinions and comments. I welcome all feedback both positive, and negative as this blog continues to grow. Please visit from time to time as the blog journey continues.